Thursday 1 March 2012

DW 2.0: The Architecture for the Next Generation of Data Warehousing (Morgan Kaufman Series in Data Management Systems)

Data warehousing has been around for 20 years and became part of the IT infrastructure. Non-data - data storage for the original information was developed in response to business needs and integrated data, provides granular institutions, and history.

Development paths and stores data in large part to different types of providers of software and hardware, there are many types. But in numerous speeches, articles, and reached its 65,000 professional b-eye Network-months notice, as defined by the author DW 2.0, well identified and defined next generation data storage.

The book takes this theme and the future of data storage and the level of the architecture and the level of technology, says it is now technologically possible. The book was a top-down perspective: looking at the overall architecture and then dive into the issues underlying the components. Building a data warehouse for people who use or see this advantage and can determine what the future: what to buy the new technology, data warehouse, how to plan extensions to warrant expenditure and how you can save the current system - in practice.

This data warehouse professional everything and gives full experience of what it takes to implement a new generation DW 2.0.
  • The first book is a new generation of data warehouse architecture, DW 2.0.
  • "Father of the data warehouse", Bill INMO, a newspaper columnist and editor of Channel INMO the bill written by the Business Intelligence Network.
  • A technology that provides the next generation of vehicles and the overall implementation long delay coverage DW: metadata, temporal data, unstructured data ETL, quality control data.

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